Mobile commerce grows among social media companies

Mobile commerce growth global world

Social media could have a major impact on mobile commerce this year

Social media may propel mobile commerce to new heights this year.  Entrepreneur Jesse Pujji, CEO of Ampush, an advertising technology firm, believes that 2015 will be the year of mobile commerce. Throughout the world, e-commerce has been experiencing strong growth, powered heavily by the consumers that are shopping and paying for products with their smartphones and tablets. According to Pujji, approximately 64% of the time people spend on mobile devices is spent on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Sites are beginning to launch services that allow users to purchase products online

These social media sites are likely to have a major impact on mobile commerce as a whole. Both Facebook and Twitter are currently experimenting with payment services that will allow their users to shop for and purchase products that are being offered by retailers. These platforms also serve as effective marketing solutions, exposing consumers to a wide array of products they might be interested in based on the information they provide.

Study shows that mobile commerce accounted for one-third of all online transactions in 2014

Mobile commerce SecurityAccording to a recent study from Criteo, mobile commerce accounted for one-third of all e-commerce transactions made throughout the world in the fourth quarter of 2014. Many consumers have managed to participate in e-commerce through social media platforms, which has given rise to the practice of social commerce.

Social commerce is becoming a stronger force in the e-commerce space

Social commerce is a relatively straightforward concept, which involves consumers purchasing products through social mediate sites. Companies like Facebook and Twitter have begun partnering with retailers, such as Amazon, in order to make it possible for consumers to purchase products online. Such services are still in early stages of testing and development, so they have yet to become popular with consumers. The services do, however, highlight the growing interest in mobile commerce that is being seen among social media companies. These companies are working to engage mobile consumers more effectively and become more attractive to advertisers. Mobile commerce may be the perfect way to do this.

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